What We Publish
The Spotlong Review is committed to publishing the work of emerging and established artists. We publish fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry, as well as a select catalogue of visual art. We also accept work in foreign languages.
We seek art and writing that is personal, philosophical, experimental, ripe, queer, feminist—we are a journal of eclectic tastes. Most of all, we want work that is emotionally truthful and packs a punch.
General Guidelines
Please include an author biography and a note about how you found Spotlong in your cover letter. Please DO NOT include your name or contact information anywhere on the document.
We consider only previously unpublished work.
We do accept simultaneous submissions, but ask that you let us know immediately if the piece is accepted for publication elsewhere.
If we decide to feature your work, we ask for first publishing rights; upon publication, all rights revert back to the author.
We review submissions on a rolling basis, and aim to reply to all within three months.
Finally, if your piece is reprinted in the future, we ask that you credit The Spotlong Review as the work’s first home.
The Spotlong Review accepts original poetry.
- We have no set minimum or maximum length (within reason).
- You may submit up to 5 poems at a time.
- We do not accept song lyrics.
- Please DO NOT include your name or contact information anywhere on the document.
The Spotlong Review accepts original works of fiction.
- We prefer submissions to be under 5,000 words (we will make the occasional exception, however, for longer writing of truly rare quality).
- We also accept flash fiction up to 1,000 words.
- We do not publish excerpts of longer works unless they stand alone.
- We have no preferences concerning style, content, or theme, so long as the work in question explores its subject with appropriate tact.
- We do not accept work that is extremely violent or includes sexual or physical abuse.
- Please DO NOT include your name or contact information anywhere on the document.
The Spotlong Review accepts original works of creative fiction.
- We prefer submissions to be under 5,000 words (we will make the occasional exception, however, for longer writing of truly rare quality).
- We also accept flash creative nonfiction up to 1,000 words.
- We do not publish excerpts of longer works unless they stand alone.
- We have no preferences concerning style, content, or theme, so long as the work in question explores its subject with appropriate tact.
- We do not accept work that is extremely violent or includes sexual or physical abuse.
- Please DO NOT include your name or contact information anywhere on the document.
The Spotlong Review welcomes visual art submissions.
- We particularly enjoy drawings, paintings, photographs, and collages.
- You may submit any number of each, or a combination.